9 History in English

Welcome to History in English – freedom struggles from around the world! We will travel through history from the United States of America to Europe and the Middle-East, and all the way to South-Africa, exploring topics such as slavery, civil rights movements, Nazi Germany, Apartheid and exploitation of indigenous people.

The focus will  be on original texts and films with webquests to guide you on your way. Field trips will be arranged to learn more from local experts. By the end of this course, you will have learned about some of human kind’s most significant struggles for freedom and gained a new perspective on equality throughout history. You will have the ability to use sources critically and express your own opinions in English. Moreover, you will learn to truly appreciate you own freedom!

Study Materials

Mandatory requirements

  • answering study questions based on lectures, movies and field trips
  • active participation in class discussions
  • course feedback and self-evaluation

Webquests and course schedule

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